Staff Contact: Christina Steele
Ministry Facilitator: Tara Sheringer
[email protected]
Good St. Monica,
please implore God's mercy on our prodigal sons and daughters,
that they may come to know, accept, and cherish the unconditional love of their Heavenly Father.
Good St. Monica,
obtain for me a measure of your virtues, that my fallen-away loved ones should come to know Christ through my example.
Good St. Monica,
intercede for those of my family and friends who are walking in darkness, that they should return to the ineffable light
of our holy Faith.
Good St. Monica,
grant me the grace to accept the Divine Will in all things, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The St. Monica Ministry is a prayer and support group for those with loved ones who have left the practice of the faith and all those still on a journey to conversion.
We pray intentionally for our loved ones, support and bring hope to each other, and nurture our own faith to grow in our relationship with Jesus so that we can be examples for our loved ones.
St. Monica was a faithful Catholic who prayed persistently for her son (St. Augustine) to return to the faith. She also prayed for the conversion of her husband and mother-in-law.
"Animated by hope and grounded in faith, we rest secure in the knowledge that, in the words of St. Monica, 'Nothing is far from God.'" (St. Monica Ministry Manual)
"We are privileged to have St. Monica accompany us as we consider our own family situations amid the trials in our Church and culture today" (What Would Monica Do?, Armstrong and Beauclair Salonen)