Lately, it seems like the moment we blink our eyes an entire week has flown by. Well ... here is an event you won't want to pass up. Why? It's a special "thank you," for you! Each year, before the Church heads into the Lenten season, the parish hosts a special occasion to show gratitude for all the amazing people who make up our faith community. Similar to other spring and summer events, get ready for this winter classic at St. Alphonsus Liguori - the annual Parish Mardi Gras Party!
When: Saturday, February 18 from 7 p.m. to midnight
Where: Parish Hall
Who: Adults 21 years and older
Tickets: $10 per person (includes dinner, dessert and drinks)
What will you find? In addition to a huge spread of festive and amazingly tasty Cajun foods, guests will also enjoy a sweet array of desserts, music to dance to, a chance to win some fun prizes in a raffle drawing contest and the company of fellow parishioners.
New to the parish? Welcome! This is especially a fun and casual event making it comfortable to mingle and meet others in the parish family. Bring a friend with you and then go home having made several more!
Raffle tickets and prizes! This year, the excitement of the celebration will increase with a friendly prize drawing for guests. If you purchase your event ticket early you automatically receive one raffle ticket to enter upon arriving. Additional raffle tickets will be available to purchase at the door.
You can buy as many as you'd like! Prizes include:
- One night of DJ music service for your next party
- A Nawlins Basket of fine and fabulous foods
- Special selection of wines for home
- Handmade rosary from Mike Genin
- Homemade pies from My Sugar Pie
- Tickets to an Off Main Street Players production
- Gift card to Stone Creek restaurant
- Knights of Columbus family fish dinner certificate
What can you bring? Guests are welcome and encouraged to bring desserts or appetizers to enjoy in addition to the catered dinner. We'll have a place to drop off any treats you'd like to share. Plus, bring some friends or invite the person sitting next to you at Mass!
Early ticket sales! Remember, early ticket buyers receive a raffle ticket along with their admission. Mardi Gras tickets will be for sale following weekend Masses on February 4-5 and 11-12. Tickets will be available at Donut Sunday in Weitzel Hall the morning of February 12. Tickets are $10. Cash and check are accepted.
Is babysitting offered? Babysitting will not be available on campus for guests.
What is Mardi Gras anyway? Good question! Just before Lent begins, the tradition of Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") celebrations are still going strong. With roots dating back centuries, Fat Tuesday was recognized for a number of reasons, including the final day families would feast on stored food so that it would not spoil during the forty days of fasting. Remember, Catholics use to abstain from all meat everyday during Lent. Also, many community Mardi Gras celebrations, often times called "Carnival," commenced around this pre-Lenten period as a way to experience feasting and fun with neighbors. Here's an interesting fact: in Latin, carne vale means "farewell to flesh."
Want to volunteer? If you'd like to help with the setup of the festive decorations and/or cleanup the day following the event, please contact the parish office at 873-2885 or email [email protected]. It's certainly a fun team of people to work with, and they'd love to have an extra set of hands. Thanks for asking!