Seder Meal - Monday, April 2 in Weitzel Hall
Families gather to look back at our Jewish roots in Christian salvation history with a traditional Passover meal called a seder meal. Following this symbolic meal will be a nice fulfilling dinner for families and guests to enjoy. Registration closed for this event on March 26.
Children's Stations of the Cross - Friday, April 6 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. in Parish Hall.
This interactive experience, designed especially for children 3 to 10 years old, is an excellent opportunity to teach our youth about the events of Good Friday. Groups of families will leave Parish Hall every ten minutes to travel through the stations with a group guide. During each station the children will take part in a small activity to help them learn. It takes about one hour to complete the stations.
Chrism Mass at the Cathedral - Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. in Lafayette
The Chrism Mass is when the oil of catechumens, oil of the sick and chrism oil are blessed by the bishop to then be used throughout the year for the sacraments of baptism, anointing of the sick, confirmation and holy orders. Priests throughout the diocese gather for this particular Mass when the oils will be presented to the parish community. All are welcome to attend at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception.
Confirmation Retreat - Friday through Sunday, April 13 - 15 in southern Indiana
Second year confirmation students will embark on this exciting and spiritually fulfilling retreat weekend as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please pray for these and all youth who are preparing to receive a sacrament this year to grow in their faith and relationship with God.
First Communion Retreat - Saturday, April 14 throughout campus
The parish's children preparing for First Holy Communion have a special retreat on campus this day as they grow closer to receiving the Holy Eucharist. Please pray for these and all youth who are preparing to receive a sacrament this year to grow in their faith and relationship with God.
Danielle Rose concert - Sunday, April 15 in the church
Catholic music artist, Danielle Rose, has shared her music ministry throughout the world as a way to spread the Gospel, serve the poor and alleviate spiritual poverty. With already four popular music albums, Danielle is working on her next project to support the pro-life charity, China Little Flower. This free concert will help Danielle's mission by bringing awareness, sharing her talents and gathering donations to go toward a video and music project to help China Little Flower. Bring your family to this friendly concert hosted by the parish's Youth Ministry.
Troop 358's Pancake Bonanza - Sunday, April 15 from 7:30 to 10 a.m. in Weitzel Hall
Head over to Weitzel Hall following Mass this weekend for a warm breakfast cooked and served by the scouts of Troop 358. The troop is hosting this breakfast series for the community as a way to help raise funds for a camping trip to Canada.
COFFEE Chat - Tuesday, April 24 at 9:45 a.m. in St. Robert room or 7 p.m. in Parish Hall
This friendly and casual faith formation gathering for parents continues. "COFFEE," Catholics Offering Faithful Friendly Experiences and Examples, offers group book studies and conversational gatherings as guests show up with their favorite coffee mug or brewed beverage while building community and growing spiritually.
Young Adults Gathering - Friday, April 27 at 7 p.m. at the rectory
Young adults of the parish will have their annual gathering at the rectory with food and fellowship.
First Communion - Saturday, April 28 at 11 a.m. in the church
After preparing through the Religious Education program, several children of the parish will be receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion during this special Mass. Family, friends and guests are welcome to attend and celebrate.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations - Sunday, April 29
Join the universal Church as faithful across the globe are called to pray for vocations on this special day.