Adult Lenten Series on Prayer - Sunday, March 4, 18 and 25 in Day Chapel after 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Masses
Father Roberts will be leading a special series titled, "Mysticism for bad Catholics." Even the most committed Christians today often look to Eastern religions in order to find spirituality, all the while being unaware that Catholicism boasts a unique and substantial mystical tradition. March topics will include: "How to practice Christian meditation", "Overcoming distractions" and "How prayer heals our wounds."
Confirmation Sponsor Luncheon - Sunday, March 4 at 12 p.m. in Weitzel Hall
The parish's second year confirmation students and their sponsors will come together for an afternoon of food and information as these candidates grow closer to receiving this Sacrament of Initiation. Please pray for our confirmation students as they approach this special time in their faith journey.
40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign - Prayer Box and ministry vigil times through April 1
Just a reminder that a prayer box will be in the narthex for people to submit prayers or fasting for the ending of abortion and protection of all life. Also, the Embrace Life Committee will be praying at the vigil on Sundays from 3 to 4 p.m. and the Knights of Columbus will be there on Mondays from 3 to 4 p.m. Learn more >>
Coffee and Donuts / Scrip Sale - Sunday, March 11 after morning Masses in Weitzel Hall
Head over to Weitzel Hall for some fresh donuts and hot coffee (or milk and a bagel). Mingle with fellow parishioners and even use the opportunity to purchase SCRIP gift cards for family and friends.
"Survivor" Junior High Lock-in - Friday, March 9 to Saturday, March 10 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Junior high students in grades 6 through 8 will be attending a fun weekend of faith and fellowship with their peers throughout the deanery. Visit to learn more.
Pancake Bonanza with Troop 358 - Saturday, March 3 and 17 in Weitzel Hall from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.
To help raise funds for future programming and camping trips, the parish's boy scout troop will be hosting pancake breakfasts for the parish and community. Pair this with daily Mass at 7:30 a.m. in the Day Chapel and you have a great recipe for starting off these two Saturdays in Lent. We hope to see you for this delicious meal.
Ministry Leaders Session - Tuesday, March 6 at 7 p.m. in Parish Hall
Volunteers taking part in parish programming are welcome to attend helpful sessions aimed to supporting the needs of volunteers. This next session will focus on effective project planning and easy steps to help ease the organization of projects from bake sales to parish events. Learn more and RSVP >>
W.I.N.G.S Lenten Program - Friday, March 16 in the church following 9 a.m. Mass
Ladies at the parish are welcome to 9 a.m. Mass followed by a special breakfast in Parish Hall and then Stations of the Cross, using a special Marian reflection on the way of the cross.
Little Flowers Mother's Tea - Sunday, March 18 from 12 to 2 p.m. in Parish Hall
Daughters and Mothers will be enjoying an afternoon of tea together! The Little Flowers ministry offers this and many other great activities that engage young girls in their faith as they learn about saints, Scripture, prayers and more.
Parish Lenten Mission - Monday, March 19 to Wednesday, March 21 in the church and Parish Hall
The parish will welcome Very Reverend Dennis Corrado, C.O. who will who will speak during this three evening series on, “Forgiveness leads to Wellness and Joy.” In addition to these inspiring talks, the mission will also offer special receptions following each session. All are welcome and encouraged to bring friends and family! A children’s mission will occur simultaneously for our younger guests. Learn more >>
Parish Lenten Penance Service - Thursday, March 22 at 7 p.m. in the church
Parishioners, guests and family may use this opportunity to seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation as priests from the diocese will be available to hear confessions.