The parish of Saint Alphonsus Liguori will be using Latin chant at certain times during Mass for the period of Advent. This is a tradition that our parish does as well as others. The parts of the Mass that will be in Latin are the "Lamb of God" and "Holy, Holy, Holy."
Use the videos below for a refresher on how the Latin responses go and find more information for why we use Latin as part of our celebration at Mass.
Why do we use Latin in the Mass? We sing Latin at certain times of the year because it is the language of the Church. Since the Mass is so special, we have a special language that we use. It is almost like using special china for meals on Christmas, or wearing nice clothes to a wedding.
Wasn't the Church getting away from Gregorian Chant? Not necessarily. Sacrosanctum Concilium, Vatican II’s (1962-1965) document on the Sacred Liturgy, made a wider use of the vernacular language possible in the celebration of the Mass. The same document stated that Gregorian Chant “takes first place” in the Church’s treasury of sacred music (SC, 116).
Why use Latin during Lent and Advent? Lent and Advent have unique traditions to remind us that we are in a time of preparation with fasting, almsgiving and prayer. With specific liturgical colors, certain responses and other traditions, using Latin is just another way to help mark this time of preparation in our prayers at Mass. Following Lent and Advent, the Church's liturgical colors change, responses change at Mass, songs change, and another set of traditions occur as a way to proclaim that we have made it past our period of preparation and are celebrating our Lord whether it be in the Nativity or His Resurrection.
Have other questions about liturgical celebrations or certain traditions of the Church? Let us know, and the parish will help post an answer online and in the bulletin. Simply email your questions to [email protected]. Happy Advent!